Ep.012: Jacob Smith on navigating division in the local church.


Believe it or not, not everyone shares your political, social, or theological views.

If you don’t believe me, check your social media accounts. Political and social divides seem commonplace these days. How do we navigate these divides in our churches?

Jacob moved to New York to become the assistant rector of Cavalry St. George’s Episcopal church—a historic parish in the Union Square area of Manhattan. Shortly after arriving, Jacob noticed tension present in his congregation. Though the church is to be one body, he saw deep division along political and social lines. The difficulty only deepened because Jacob felt the tension in his own life, as he has his own political and social approaches. This stress led him to explore what could bring unity to this church.

Today, my long-time friend, Rev. Jacob Smith, the Rector of Calvary St. George’s Episcopal Church and co-host of the Same Old Song podcast, joins me on the MercyCast to talk about navigating division in the local church.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

  • Starting where you are.

  • The impact of death and resurrection on your life

  • Moving forward by looking backward

Listen to the full episode:

Follow Same Old Song on Twitter, and follow Jacob on Instagram.

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For more conversations like this one, check out my book, Vulnerable: Rethinking Human trafficking:


Ep.013: Joe Thorn on the art of talking to yourself.


Ep.011: Blaire Brown on embracing what you can’t control.