Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.064: Kevin Palau on finding belovedness amid performancism.

Could there be an antidote to self-doubt and the need to prove ourselves?

In this episode, Kevin Palau shares his journey of self-discovery and purpose, which resonates with many of us. He opens up about the profound impact of his father's passing on his life and how it led him to confront his self-doubt and performancism. Kevin's exploration of the concept of belovedness is a game-changer, as it completely transformed his perspective on success and worth. He also highlights the importance of silence and solitude in reconnecting with one's true identity and finding peace. Kevin's insights on the adverse effects of perfectionism and the need to be present with others are equally powerful. His story is a beacon of hope, inspiring listeners to embrace their belovedness and let go of the need to prove themselves.

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