Ep.059: Gentry Colson on finding hope in trials.
Where can you find hope in chronic illness?
In this episode, Gentry Colson and I discuss suffering and finding hope in the midst of it. Gentry shares her journey with chronic Lyme disease and how she found purpose and faith amid her suffering. We explore the theology of glory versus the theology of the cross and the importance of shifting to an eternal perspective. Gentry encourages listeners to be vulnerable, seek community in times of suffering, and trust in God's faithfulness, even when healing doesn't come as expected.
Highlights and takeaways from the conversation:
Suffering is a universal experience, and it's important to find hope and purpose in the midst of it.
Theology of glory focuses on the idea that everything will go well if God is for us, while the theology of the cross recognizes that suffering is a part of life in a fallen world.
Trusting in God's character and having an eternal perspective can help us navigate suffering.
Being vulnerable and seeking community can provide support and encouragement in times of suffering.
God's faithfulness depends not on our desired outcome but on His character and love for us.
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For more conversations like this one, check out my book, Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.