Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.070: Chuck and Ashley Elliott on the relationship between loss and identity.

The pain that we experience can illuminate where we have placed our identity.

Chuck and Ashley Elliott, authors of a new book, I Used to Be ___: How to Navigate Large and Small Losses in Life and Find Your Path Forward, discuss the intersection of identity and loss, particularly in the context of recurrent miscarriage. They share their personal experiences and how they reacted incongruently to their identity. They emphasize the importance of facing loss and allowing oneself to be seen as they are in moments of pain. They also discuss the role of idols in our lives and the need to reset our identity in Christ. Gratitude is highlighted as a way to avoid idolatry and find healing during transition. In this conversation, Chuck and Ashley discuss the importance of inviting God into our negative spaces and facing our shame and fears. They emphasize the need to hold onto truth and scripture during transition and loss. They also highlight the value of building healthy habits and relationships in our everyday lives to prepare us for difficult times. Ultimately, they encourage listeners to embrace vulnerability and seek God's presence in their struggles.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.069: Jessica Hurlbut on moving from self-reliance to dependence on God.

What does it mean to depend on God?

In this episode, I have the privilege of speaking with Jessica Hurlbut, a pastor, podcast host, and author of Unlimited Motherhood. Jessica's story is one of unwavering strength and resilience as she shares her journey of raising two children with severe autism. Her experience has not only challenged her Faith and perfectionism but also inspired her to trust in God and let go of her need for control. Jessica's profound insights on the value of every human being, regardless of their abilities or achievements, are a testament to her unconditional love. The conversation delves into the theology of glory and the theology of the cross, shedding light on the struggle of perfectionism and the necessity to embrace suffering. It underscores the significance of leaning on God and relying on Him in difficult times. We explore the concept of Faith, urging listeners to focus on what they can do now rather than worrying about the future. The conversation also touches on the idea that God can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine, even amid limitations and challenging circumstances.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.068: Flame on discovering Grace outside of yourself.

How important is our understanding of Theology?

Flame, a Grammy-nominated and Stellar Award-winning hip-hop artist and author, shares his journey of theological transformation and the freedom he found in understanding the gospel. He discusses the importance of theology and the dangers of living by works instead of Grace. Flame emphasizes the need to revisit Scripture and church history to understand God's love and atonement better. He encourages listeners to find comfort in the gospel and to seek out a church that understands the word of God and sacraments. Flame also highlights the release of his album, Freedom Lessons, which brings Luther's Small Catechism into a contemporary context, making it more accessible and relatable for modern listeners.  

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.067: Justin Davis on transparency that leads to transformation.

Authenticity is a buzzword. But why should it be important to us?

In this episode, Justin Davis, USA Today Bestselling author of Being Real is Greater Than Being Perfect, and I explore the profound significance of authenticity and transparency in our relationships. We investigate the idea of projecting a false version of ourselves and the negative impact it can have. Justin shares his journey of behavioral modification, recounting the moment when it all came crashing down. His story is a testament to the fact that we all have our struggles. We underline the importance of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-denial in genuine transformation. We also discuss the power of confession and the liberation of being fully known and loved. Above all, we encourage you not just to accept but to embrace your imperfections and trust in the grace of God.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.066: Eric Schumacher on the gift of weakness.

Wait. Is weakness a good thing?

Eric Shoemaker and I delve into weakness and vulnerability in this deeply personal conversation. We share our experiences and reflections, recounting moments when we felt weak and vulnerable and how we found strength in Christ. We explore the origins of weakness in the Garden of Eden and the consequences of sin, drawing parallels to our own lives. We also discuss the reality of death and the need for God's strength, sharing how we have personally experienced His strength in times of loss. This conversation is a testament to the importance of embracing weakness and finding strength in Christ, as we have seen it transform our lives. It underscores the biblical perspective on weakness and the transformative power of relying on God's strength. Eric Schumacher, in particular, shares how Jesus' display of weakness on the cross was a moment of great strength, demonstrating his victory over sin, Satan, and death. He emphasizes that through faith in Jesus, believers can find strength and security, not in their abilities or the approval of others, but in their union with Christ.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.064: Kevin Palau on finding belovedness amid performancism.

Could there be an antidote to self-doubt and the need to prove ourselves?

In this episode, Kevin Palau shares his journey of self-discovery and purpose, which resonates with many of us. He opens up about the profound impact of his father's passing on his life and how it led him to confront his self-doubt and performancism. Kevin's exploration of the concept of belovedness is a game-changer, as it completely transformed his perspective on success and worth. He also highlights the importance of silence and solitude in reconnecting with one's true identity and finding peace. Kevin's insights on the adverse effects of perfectionism and the need to be present with others are equally powerful. His story is a beacon of hope, inspiring listeners to embrace their belovedness and let go of the need to prove themselves.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.062: Michele Cushatt on keeping the faith in a world falling apart.

How do you trust when everything you experience tells you to do the opposite?

In this episode, Michelle Cushatt, author of A Faith that Will Not Fail: 10 Practices to Build Up Your Faith When Your World is Falling Apart, shares her transformative journey of maintaining faith amid suffering. She discusses the challenges she faced when diagnosed with cancer three times and how it affected her identity as a communicator. Michelle's story is a testament to the power of faith, resilience, and hope. She emphasizes the importance of relinquishing control and trusting in God's faithfulness. She encourages listeners to remember God's past faithfulness and to find light in the darkness. Michelle also highlights the practice of waiting and the significance of lament in the midst of pain. Her hope is contagious. You will enjoy this conversation. 

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.061: Gary Harpst on leading through chaos.

How do we grow as leaders?

In this conversation, seasoned CEO and New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author Gary Harpst shares his experiences and insights on leadership, faith, and the power of relationships. He discusses the challenges of facing reality and making tough decisions, emphasizing the importance of perspective and learning from failures. Harpst highlights the role of faith and trust in leadership, stressing the need to define purpose and lead oneself before leading others. He also explores the power of relationships and the significance of embracing imperfection and dealing with failure. Harpst brings us back to the Gospel by discussing the supernatural love of God and its impact on leadership. If you are a leader, this episode is for you.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.060: Karis Meier on redeeming suffering.

What happens when dawn tarries?

Last week's episode discussed finding hope in trials and how God can heal. In this episode, I want to return to the idea of suffering and explore the question of what happens when you aren't healed and live with chronic pain or suffering with Karis Meier, author of 'Suffering Redeemed.' She shares her journey of living with chronic illness and finding joy and beauty amid suffering. We discuss the importance of vulnerability, receiving from God, and surrendering to His will. Karis encourages listeners to embrace the mystery of suffering and to focus on God's faithfulness and love. The conversation highlights the importance of faith and trust in God's plan, even when we don't understand it.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.059: Gentry Colson on finding hope in trials.

Where can you find hope in chronic illness?

In this episode, Gentry Colson and I discuss suffering and finding hope in the midst of it. Gentry shares her journey with chronic Lyme disease and how she found purpose and faith amid her suffering. We explore the theology of glory versus the theology of the cross and the importance of shifting to an eternal perspective. Gentry encourages listeners to be vulnerable, seek community in times of suffering, and trust in God's faithfulness, even when healing doesn't come as expected.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.039: Jacob Smith on pilgrimage and the call of the Camino.

Sometimes, the Camino calls you.

Greetings, fellow pilgrims, and welcome back to the MercyCast! Whether you have gone on the Camino De Santiago, are interested in going, or have no idea what it is, this series is for you! Today's episode is a beacon of guidance for those preparing to walk the sacred path of the Camino de Santiago. Join us as we discuss what it means to be called to the Camino.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.027: Sue Detweiler on spiritual healing.

Healing is often a holistic process.

Picture this: Sue's life takes an unexpected turn when she travels to Brazil and starts experiencing mysterious health problems. Doctors couldn't pinpoint the cause, and she faced the uncertainty of autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS). She knew nothing else but to ask God for healing.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.023: Josiah Haken on privilege and poverty.

Not every one of your neighbors lives in a house.

In this episode, I dive into the story of one of my friends, Josiah Haken. He is the Chief Executive Officer of City Relief, a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting the unhoused community to hope and resources while empowering ordinary people to make an extraordinary impact by seeing, serving, and supporting their neighbors without doors. He oversees and strategizes countless outreaches, volunteers, and follow-up care efforts.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.021: Elyse Fitzpatrick on grace, peace, and overcoming perfectionism.

You are not perfect, and it’s okay.

In this episode, Elyse Fitzpatrick joins Raleigh to talk about perfectionism and reminds us that it’s okay not to be okay. Elyse is a nationally sought-after speaker and author. Elyse and her husband, Phil, attend Grace Bible Church, a reformed congregation in Escondido, California. She has written many books, including the recently rereleased, Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety: Becoming a Woman of Faith and Confidence.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.020: Jessica Thompson on navigating divorce in the local church.

Whether you have been married or not, divorce has impacted you.

In this episode, Jessica Thompson, the author of the new book, He Loved Them: Discovering Jesus' Heart for Seekers, Sinners, Doubters, and the Discouraged (and Other People Like Us), joins Raleigh to talk about her journey in learning how to survive and thrive as she lives through a difficult time of transition.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.019: Paxton Ballard on living (and losing) the dream.

Football is life until it’s not.

If you have been near a TV, phone, or computer recently, you have seen soccer (or, let’s be honest, Football) in the headlines from Ted Lasso to Lionel Messi. In today's episode, Raleigh has a heartfelt conversation with retired soccer (Football) player and the Cool Down Conversations podcast host Paxton Ballard, who experienced the highs and lows of pursuing his dream.

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