Ep.075: Anne Basham on when charity is the wrong choice.


Do we need to rethink our approach to charity?

Many assume that giving helps when it can have the opposite effect. In this episode of the Mercycast, host Raleigh Sadler discusses the importance of approaching vulnerable populations with compassion and care. He is joined by Anne Basham, founder of the Inter-Parliamentary Task Force on Human Trafficking and CEO of Ascend Consulting, to explore when the act of charity could do more harm than good. Anne, who specializes in policy-making in addressing modern slavery, discusses the dangers of well-meaning intentions and the need for informed action.

Highlights and takeaways from the conversation:

  • Well-meaning intentions in orphanages can sometimes lead to unintended harm, such as orphanage trafficking.

  • Foster care is a better alternative to group homes and orphanages, as it provides a safe and loving home environment for vulnerable children.

  • Prayer is essential in shaping policy and discerning how to engage in charity work.

  • Research and education are crucial in understanding the complexities of social issues and making informed decisions.

  • Reunification with family should be prioritized whenever possible, as children generally want to be with their parents or family members.

  • Charity work should focus on long-term commitment and building relationships rather than only short-term, one-off visits.

  • Wisdom and discernment are vital to best serve and care for vulnerable populations.

  • "Not every orphanage out there is well-meaning, and many of them are doing this for profit."

  • "Orphanage trafficking... treats children like it's a zoo."

  • "Foster care should be rare and brief. Every child usually wants to be with their parents."

  • "Sometimes we can hurt the people we're trying to help."

  • "It's not exciting to talk about laws or legislation or policy, but it makes the biggest difference."

  • "It all starts with a frustration or an irritation... and turns into something beautiful."

Listen to the full episode:

If you like this episode—and how could you not—you must follow Anne Basham. You can connect with her and learn more about her work with the Interparliamentary Taskforce on Human Trafficking here.

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For more conversations like this one, check out my book, Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.


Ep.076: Anita Anello on how to depend on the right people.


Ep.074: Valerie Althouse on reframing pain.