Ep.068: Flame on discovering Grace outside of yourself.
How important is our understanding of Theology?
Flame, a Grammy-nominated and Stellar Award-winning hip-hop artist and author, shares his journey of theological transformation and the freedom he found in understanding the gospel. He discusses the importance of theology and the dangers of living by works instead of Grace. Flame emphasizes the need to revisit Scripture and church history to understand God's love and atonement better. He encourages listeners to find comfort in the gospel and to seek out a church that understands the word of God and sacraments. Flame also highlights the release of his album, Freedom Lessons, which brings Luther's Small Catechism into a contemporary context, making it more accessible and relatable for modern listeners.
Highlights and takeaways from the conversation:
Our theology shapes our lives and can sometimes lead us to live by works instead of Grace.
Questioning and reevaluating our beliefs can be a transformative journey, leading to a deeper understanding of God's love and Grace. This process, though challenging, can empower us to embrace a more profound faith.
A Christocentric focus and the belief in a universal atonement can bring profound comfort and freedom. This understanding of the gospel can reassure us of God's love and Grace, offering a beacon of hope in our lives.
Reexamining scripture and church history can help us better understand God's character. Study the origins of the Reformation, starting with Martin Luther and the church fathers, grasping the true Catholic faith.
Read the Book of Concord and other documents written in defense of ancient Christianity to explore the teachings of the Reformation.
Recognize that the gospel is something done to us, not just a mental exercise, and that the sacraments are physical means through which God's Grace is applied to us.
To find rest and freedom in Christ, seek the plain meaning of Scripture and a clear understanding of the law-gospel distinction.
Listen to the full episode:
If you haven’t heard Flame, check out his newest release, Freedom Lessons. Read his new book, Extra Nos. Follow him on Instagram and X.
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For more conversations like this one, check out my book, Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.