Ep.070: Chuck and Ashley Elliott on the relationship between loss and identity.
The pain that we experience can illuminate where we have placed our identity.
Chuck and Ashley Elliott, authors of a new book, I Used to Be ___: How to Navigate Large and Small Losses in Life and Find Your Path Forward, discuss the intersection of identity and loss, particularly in the context of recurrent miscarriage. They share their personal experiences and how they reacted incongruently to their identity. They emphasize the importance of facing loss and allowing oneself to be seen as they are in moments of pain. They also discuss the role of idols in our lives and the need to reset our identity in Christ. Gratitude is highlighted as a way to avoid idolatry and find healing during transition. In this conversation, Chuck and Ashley discuss the importance of inviting God into our negative spaces and facing our shame and fears. They emphasize the need to hold onto truth and scripture during transition and loss. They also highlight the value of building healthy habits and relationships in our everyday lives to prepare us for difficult times. Ultimately, they encourage listeners to embrace vulnerability and seek God's presence in their struggles.
Highlights and takeaways from the conversation:
Loss reveals where we place our trust and identity.
Facing loss is necessary for healing and growth.
In moments of pain, we must be seen as we are and seek support.
Idols can be revealed through pain, and resetting our identity in Christ is essential. This means reorienting our lives and priorities around our faith in Christ rather than worldly things or our own desires.
Gratitude, a powerful tool, can help us avoid idolatry and find healing in transition. By inviting God into our negative spaces and facing our shame and fears, we can begin to heal. This emphasis on gratitude and healing instills a sense of hope and optimism in our journey.
Hold onto truth and scripture during times of transition and loss.
Building healthy habits and relationships in your everyday life is not just a suggestion; it's a powerful tool to prepare for difficult times. This emphasis on empowerment and control can make the audience feel more confident navigating challenging times.
Embrace vulnerability and seek God's presence in your struggles.
Listen to the full episode:
Learn more at chuckandashley.com. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram. Buy their new book, I Used to Be ___: How to Navigate Large and Small Losses in Life and Find Your Path Forward.
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For more conversations like this one, check out my book, Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.